Shitting HARD Rn
Gonna blow this mf upppp again soon
blowing it upppppp
He died for a minute in here ngl was one of those shits
He walks into the bathroom.
He grabs a pair of scissors from a cabinet
Piss finished, he returns downstairs.
*Despite the horrors of this place, some people actually like to shower. Sounds of preparing to clean and battery acid going down the drain for cleaning purposes can be heard in the distance
*He's first cleaning the shower stall he's going to use, but nothing stops him from singing to pass the time off. His voice is actually pretty nice
Hes even doing a little dance with his broom, his clothes are slightly damp with droplets of a super red cleaning agent on his clothes
I used to be a renegade
I used to fool around
But I couldn't take the punishment
And had to settle downhas finally found the source of the music and pushes open the door, not realizing it's the bathroom
HEY THOSE ARE SOME [banging tunes] MIND IF I JOIN I-gestures at the mysterious red stains
He gets inside the stall and pulls out red fluid and a jug of battery acid
I'm not taking a shower in the state of things here.scampers out on all fours
*He takes out the dead maus from behind the stall and dunks it in the battery acid for it to melt faster. Whew.
I like my bands in business suits
I watch them on TV
I'm working out most every day
And watchin' what I eat
They tell me that it's good for me
But I don't even care
I know that it's crazy
I know that it's nowhere
But there is no denying that
ITS HIP TO BE SQUARE!!Shower done. Cat cleaned. Rat melted, cleaning products disposed off. His job here is done.
And he's off
The bigger of the three stops by the bathroom entrance and decides this is not a place anyone he would want to find would stop by
He isn't here. No.rushes in and slams the door shut
exits out of the bathroom, looking haunted
Running at all speeds and tumbles down sometimes, Going as fast as his little legs allow him to scamper
FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOUHe tries tackling him as he pauses, trying to give no breaks for him to escape
He tries wrestling with him some more, but he's not paying attention to his surroundings and bumping about everywhere
COME ON. APOLOGIZE FOR WHAT YOU DID!!!!He tackles him to a wall, not noticing the mirror in front of them, but when he does, he gets a glimpse of himself in the mirror. But at that point it's too late to stop the fall
The mirror is loose, and it is about to fall in front of them, He is frozen in place
The shards of glass on his back, what happened the other day. Perhaps all of this is too much for one man's head. What to do. What to do. Should he take them out? He's done this before the other day. It only makes things worse. Anything he does only makes things worse. His heart is racing. He feels a pounding in his head only humans with a heartbeat can feel. It is hard to breathe. He's incredibly scared.
He can't speak properly. Pop ups start to generate from his program. They seem glitched. fragmented. bits of it leak everywhere
Why is his voice not working?? He can't breathe.
He seems to struggle focusing, but looking at Spencer's face... He can hear him. He follows him. Breathe in....1...2...3....1...2...3.... Breathe out. His eyes are wide and so haunted. He wants to help
Help... oHw do I heloHwp? d.o... I hoHwl... o I hฬดeฬดlฬทpฬด? He can breathe. He looks at Spencer's back. It's his fault. He has to fix this.
Your. [Back problems?]. Can I...How. do we [deal[[deal! 50% off now for the first 50 callers!] With [It: Now on TV] ? ? ?He looks at spencer. He feels calmer.
How do I care for myself then?He is calm enough to be aware of the situation, counting with him. Right. Right. He has a job to do.
Alright. I'll try to make it [Quick Call]. [I can do a---] This!
He has a mirrored smile now. it is false. But he has to do this no matter what. His hands reach the shards on his back, feeling them so gently and pulling it very swiftly, warning when he is going to pull one to give Spencer time to prepare himself. One, Two, Three shards. One, Two, Three shards.
He keeps his fake smile, patting his shoulder, throwing the shards in a corner, making sure to get a very tortured broom to sweep everything away so no one steps on it.
But I'll do it all so it can't eat me in one bite... At least.He approaches him on his side and watches worried still about his wounds
Your body... Can't you replace these other parts? Or well...How did it end up like this?He sighs and gives him a look, trying to ignore the punch. You need to stop taking everything so personally. You're just hyperaware now
Sure. I'll see what I can oh-so-generously give you.Ignoring any horrors. He's grumpy and pissed off . He's singing this while doing the deed sighs and gets the broom
You hear the bathroom door slam shut.
Lord have mercy he is GRIPPING that counter why did Vinny project his IBS onto him?????
Heโs struggling.... he isnโt going to survive this one.
Fucks he yelling for down there
wait good idea
[Loud_scream.mp3]* A roll of toilet paper is gingerly offered from the gaps in the drain grates.
He dies.
Jk heโs fine. But he looks haunted.
his ass is horrendous.
The door shuts once again.
Hes done now. Kitchen time.
Yes he washed his hands he loves being clean
He barges in to the nearest stall and gets inside
spamton:He actually ran to the bathroom lmao he needs to pee so bad
He takes the second stall and has his own private moment, singing Hooked on a feeling while finishing it up. He washes his hands after he's done and walks back upstairs.
Unbothered. Moisturized. Focused. In his lane. Flourishing. Dignified.
Door slam. That fucking coffee.
May god have mercy upon his wretched soul.
dissolves back into spiders and crawls along sera's feet into the shadows
Haunted Flushing Noises
Haunted Hand Washing Noises
Haunted falling noises
sobbing and weeping alone in the bathroom, holding a locket with austin power's face in it
gone too soon........ she sheds exactly 8 tears
hes here now.... As much as he doesn't want to be.
he disrobes and steps into the shower
and starts singing
Bubbles up from the drain grates
Spamton dragged himself over the sink. Looking up at the mirror, he saw an embarrassing sight: a half frozen, Frankenstein of a Spamton. Compared to some of the others here, he looked fine. That didn't change the fact that *he* also was pretty shit looking. After a second of self-pity, he forced out a hearty cough, and chunks of ice fell into the sink. The ting was a familiar sound nowadays, it was at least a sign that it was coming out. God. He shouldn't have come back here. These Spamtons are nutcases. The last thing he needs is for one of them to see he is coughing up *ice* and make a deal about it. There was nothing he could do about it though, was there? The stuff was finally reaching his insides. He jammed the ice further down the drain. Maybe he shouldn't have tried to do whatever that all was this morning. Okay. Time to get back out there and socialize or whatever. He turned on the fan before leaving the washroom.
For the second time that night, the sink was full of ice.
a blinding light can be seen from under the bathroom door, followed by a loud exclamation
He barges in the bathroom, running to one of the stalls, and opens the first one that isn't full of complete disease
Is standing in a toilet. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights.
he suddenly realizes where he is standing and makes a face, awkwardly stepping out of the toilet bowl.
EWETH.His fact contorts into the most distasteful face. Oh good lord
You are in the void. Look outside. There is nothing. I don't and I don't think I want to know until I have to take a piss. pulls him out of the toilet and back off the stalls, and gets in, closing the door for exactly one minute
He barges out, then starts washing his hands on the sink
There. You may introduce yourself if you'd like.coughs, straightening out his uniform and glaring a moment before clearing his throat and striking a dramatic pose
once again, i am rouxls kaard, duke of puzzles! i has't hath decided to grace thee with mine own presence, totally on purpose. and i didst not falleth into one of mine own owneth puzzles and waketh up in a toilet.Oh god what is this accent
I believe you, 100%. So what brings you into the Spamton G. Spamton chamber?Pointing at self
I'm Spamton. Pleasure to meet you ...Rouxls. There are other versions of me here, unfortunately. They're not all pleasant.he looks at the pink man who calls himself "spamton" up and down, before looking him in the eyes and grinning
T is a pleasure to meeteth thee as well, "spamton". th're art sev'ral of thee? art those gents all as... Easy on the eyes as thee?He laughs, shaking his head
Personally. I only think a few individuals can get close to my standard, but I'm sad to say a lot of them are homeless men. Well. You should see by yourself if you want to get out of the bathroom.he extends his hand expectantly
He sighs, taking it. He's not sure why he is doing this and leads the way
Here now! But not to shit surprisingly.
Brushing his hair teehee
Heโs still looking in the mirror, working a floral scented oil into his hair~
Brush, brush, careful to avoid the ears
Like genuinely??? I canโt remember
Well! At least you got some [nutritional value] out of it.
Heโs done brushing now, hair nice and soft and clean
This bitch! He turns another sink on specifically to flick water back at Spencer
Great! Seems like [soap eater] is a common trait here.He letโs his cupped hands fill up all the way, and throws it into the side of Spencerโs face.
Mmhmm. [Idk] how much itโll do for [gutz and insides] but hopefully something!He catches it. Fuck it, theyโll put up wet floor signs.... wait.
Wanna [run around the house] instead of just staying in here?He fills his gun up, taking a test shot at Spencerโs forehead.
It works!
He hasnโt done something like this in... years, honestly.
He runs out of the bathroom, and down the hallway, shooting every so often at Spencer. Heโs got a big, stupid grin on his face
He also falls, but heโs laughing so hard it doesnโt bother him in the slightest. On his back, Blindly firing in Spencerโs general direction. He doesnโt care if they miss or hit, heโs having fun.
this is where he's led Saul
he leans in and whistles
Real state of the art place ya got here, I bet the toilets flush and everything!nearly falls over and hides behing Seb
Wh-what the H E double hockey sticks?he waves with a forced smile
"new pal?" he thinks to himself. He tries not to react but can't stop a little smile from breaking out on his face. He clears his throat
So, uh, anywhere else I should know about?he slaps saul's back gently and dashes out
He places his guitar outside the room, where he imagines it will be safe, before giving it a little tap for good luck. He closes the door behind him
he's shaking a little, though his voice is firm
You don't mess with me and I won't mess with you, capeesh?he uses two fingers to point from his eyes back to the Void. "I've got my eye on you" before heading towards the shower
"Why do I get a funny feeling there's something else watching me"
He gets to the shower and undresses, turning the water on and waiting for it to get warm. Once it does he steps in and breathes a sigh of relief. No more cold buckets of barely passable water and tiny slivers of soap
He takes his time washing his hair, all but forgetting the creepy Void in the room with him under the warm water. He starts humming to himself, a little out of tune
He steps out of the shower with a happy little sigh, dries himself off and looks at himself in the mirror and gives himself a half smile. "Now you look a little more like yourself, big shot."
He puts his filthy clothes back on, grimacing a bit about the smell, but it's not as bad as before
he glances at the void, still nervous but maybe a little less so
Thanks for not eating me alive while I cleaned up, I 'preciate it.With that he steps back out, a little more of a spring to his step, grabs his guitar and starts strumming it absentmindedly, humming another tuneless song as he wanders around the house
divebombs into a shower
Heโs here now
Donโt use all the hot water [dear]! Or else. [hehe]
He gets into the shower stall next to Seb
Seraโs shower turns on
He is here now, putting seb's clothes on the top of the stall door before entering one himself and preparing for a shower
DON'T FORGET IT NEXT TIME !Hes done his shower... gets changed /very/ quick and with speed, and heโs gone
he's done showering...but lord forgive him for he's about to do. He heads off to the kitchen
Suddenly, he appears out of nowhere in the bathroom. He looks left, right, up, down... and then proceeds to start walking into a wall. Repeatedly. Bonk. Bonk. Bonk.
He quickly turns around, and walks to one of the toilets to try and examine it for flavor text. All he found was Spam-made horrors.
* All you find are spam-made horrors...
He's looking for the exit. There's toilets, toilets and [REDACTED]. But so far no exit? What kind of Hell Bathroom:tm: was this?
* It's possible you may have a problem.
He walks into walls again. This does not make the exit appear though.
* Your creativity in the face of adversity is astounding.
New Plan! It's time to examine EVERY DOOR. Maybe then the exit will present itself.
* You examine the door.
* It leads outside.
Gripping the wall
Ok hes normal again.
Hand washing moment
looks for lightswitch
Time isn't real here. He's been stumbling around blindly for a minute or two. Or maybe a day.
he heads into the bathroom, figuring he needs to clean himself up a little. The hair on his hands and arms are still sticky with syrup the other day, thereโs blue paint under his nails, and his face still smells a bit like grass.
he smiles, heโs a lot more used to being watched. Heโs had the odd feeling of being watched ever since he got hereโฆbut itโs not as unnerving any more
He starts scrubbing his face and hands, even his shirt a bit. He doesnโt mind the wet shirt too much. At least most of the blue paint is swirling down the drain now.
he blushes, getting the odd feeling he was just winked at, despite it being a coiling, unidentifiable mass
he counts on his fingers
โฆyeah itโs been a bithe gets a thought out of nowhere that doesnโt seem like his ownโฆ.yeah he should probably brush his teeth too
he looks down and sees a comb in his hand, as well as a toothbrush
Thanks, buddyhe starts combing his hair, through the years and years of built of product in it itโs been tangled a lot. Itโs not really dirty any more, at least. The comb snaps in half after only three swipes though
Dangโฆhe manages to comb his hair fully, even with the broken comb. Then he gets to work really brushing his teeth and getting them good and clean. Once he does he shoots himself an award losing smile in the mirrorโฆwell, maybe itโs at least worth third place prize now.
Nice, I donโt clean up too bad, ya think? he shoots the void a glance
he chuckles, searching for hair product under the sink. He carefully styles his hair into his signature swoop
he looks around, hoping itโs not overstepping to try it, but shrugs, and puts some onโฆthough he hasnโt shaved. It smells kind of woodsy and citrusy.
he gives himself one more once over, he looksโฆactually comfortable, which he hasnโt in a long time. He doesnโt look like he used to, he knows he canโt ever go back to that, butโฆmaybe he could learn to like this version of Saul.
he gives a little salute to the void
Always a pleasure. before heading downstairs
J opened the door, stepping inside and clearing his throat.
Uh- hello, void?He somehow felt it's presence, shivering and sighing in relief. He found it almost comforting.
Oh, uh, you're here. Hi. Mind if I crash here for a bit? Maybe you have a bathtub or something.He felt around and soon found it.
Aha! There it is. Thanks.
He threw in his pillow, climbing inside and covering himself with a blanket.
It's just I had a bit of trouble sleeping alone. It's nice that you're here. Thanks, and uh... Goodnight, if you sleep.As soon as he closed his eyes, he was out like a light. He found the constant presence of the void comforting in a way - it's the first good, deep sleep he's had since the incident. Better not wake him for a while.
he walks in slowly, about to turn the light on until he notices Jay passed out in the tub. he walks over to a medicine cabinet and starts rifling around for pain meds
he jumps a bit
he pulls a bottle from the medicine cabinet seeing "pain relief" on it and figuring, good enough
he waves towards the nothingness
See ya next time i gotta [bomb] the toilets, void friendsand he's gone
Jay finally woke up, yawning widely and sitting up, wiping his chin
Gmorning void...He began packing up his things, before stopping abruptly and realizing - he knew where to reach. But how?! He straightened up, and found out that he now could not see, but sort of feel where the objects were! He looked around in awe, before his eyes hit a mirror and he finally realized where the light was coming from - it was coming from him. Though, he couldn't see far from himself, about 5 feet, but he noticed he could feel the others around him. He threw the door open and ran out into the corridor.
He walks out normally now
Hes in here now~ grabbed a new change of clothes from his room.
He starts the water in the shower so itโs warm
He gets in, taking a very long, hot shower.
Hes done. Thought about a lot of things to say.... but. Heโs still missing something.
What the hell happened last night to morph Seb yet again? He needed to find out.
Showered and washed up, Clothes changed, hair mostly dried and brushed. He exits the bathroom, going to hang out in the common room.
His visit is brief here. He just looks at every stall, ignoring incomprehensible horrors when he sees them... he doesn't think seb would feel safe here either.
He yells out to whoever may be in the stalls.
He then proceeds to turn the tub's tap on to as hot as it can be.
Spamton has his funfetti stomach issues and proceeds to stare at the mirror pogging.
Rests J gently in the... Bathtub. Its the cleanest thing here.
his eyes are wide, staring at J's bloody nose. He quickly gets up, grabs a towel and uses some warm water to gently wipe his face
I-it'll be ok, kiddo, just stay with me aight?Searches for gauze
I THINK HIS RIBS ARE BROKE>N.He was just barely awake, trying to tear fabric from his chest in futile attempts to breathe better.
in his panic he rips J's shirt off, looking in horror at how badly mangled he is
It's ok it's ok it's oktears start dripping down his cheeks as he tries to adjust J into a comfortable position
It'll be alright we got you kid. Shhh shhh. I-it's ok...J grabbed onto his arm, sobbing weakly, fighting the pain.
S- sau-he tries to smile, his tears dripping down his jaw and onto J's face
Shh, don't speak kiddo. Y-you'll be alright just rest o-ok?he turns to the others
S-SOMEONE GET HIM SOME ICE. PLEASE.he turns back to J and speaks very softly
Ok, kid, I'm gunna need you to take some deep breaths, aight?He runs as fast as he can.
He nodded shakily, hearing him as almost through thick fog, breathing as deep as he could - which was still wheezing and shallow.
he takes the ice and puts it carefully against J's ribs
Not the best idea - his ribs already were buckling under pressure, and even more weight made him wheeze and frantically grab onto Saul's arm.
he's sobbing now
S-sorry k-kid. Shh, I'm right here. he gently moves his hair out of his face
Leans over tub and gets close to J
Hang in there... He begins to conjure something, unknowingly. Not a pop-up. something else.
His human soul.
J felt like he could breathe a bit easier, suddenly. His damaged soul held his lings together with the newfound support from Grover's, them being of the same kind.
he hears the change in his breathing and dares to feel a small twinge of hope
he is tearing up a bit.
his own soul starts to resonate within him, his feelings being so strong...but he can't tear his eyes away from J. Not when he needs him. Never when he needs him.
He squeezed Saul's hand, allowing himself to close his eyes and relax.
...n't.... B s...d....The overbearing weight on his chest was now lightened enormously, so he could continue to fight it, breathing.
he feels J's breathing evening out, but doesn't let go for one second.
Shh, don't try to talk kiddo. It's ok ya don't have to say a thing.Grover starts to hum out of nerves, but continues because it soothes him and , hopefully, the others too.
J laid back, forcing himself to stay awake throwing all this, focusing on Grover's voice and saul's hand. It helps.
he hears Grover humming and startles for a momentโฆbut then he starts to sing in a soft, quivering voice
close your eyesโฆhave no fearโฆmonsterโs goneโฆheโs on the runโฆand weโre hereโฆGrover is struck by the beauty of a voice that ISNT a demon siren. He is grateful.
Jay burst into another coughing fit, spitting out excess blood from his lungs, holding onto Saul and humming along weakly.
he stops, glancing up at Esau, tears still dripping down his cheeksโฆhis voice wavers
IโฆI d-donโt knowโฆhe presses Jโs hand to his cheek, rocking back and forth
J swallowed bile which was creeping up his throat, sniffing.
I'm... A burden... Just... Let me... He managed to rasp out, beginning to lose hope
he presses his forehead close to Jโs
I-I was too weak to protect ya. T-to protect any of y-ya. I-if anyone should be b-bleedinโ out it should be m-meโฆLooks at esau
NO! YOU R E NOT!J sobbed weakly, holding on to Saul for dear life, trying to pull himself together.
he snaps
Itโs n-not your fault youโve got such a shit family out to kill you.he looks back at J and hushes in a whisper
S-stay still kiddo. S-stay s-s-still.J frowned. He couldn't hear his friends bricker and fight over something so stupid.
Don't... Fight.he holds his tongue, giving Esau a look โWeโll be talking laterโ before he resumes singing for J
J calmed down. At least it was peaceful now. At least now he didn't have to fight.
I TRUST YOU ESAU. He reaches an arm over Esau's shoulders.
he also reaches out to put his free hand on Esauโs shoulder. Hue eyes weary but soft. He doesnโt blame Esau for what happened.
J smiled softly, trying to hum along, squeezing his hand gently. The pain didn't seem unbearable anymore.
he turns and looks at Spamtoon
Y-ya did?Looks at Esau and winces
J got an another coughing fit, squeezing Saul's hand in search for comfort.
his eyes widen
S-Starlight? That y-you? he shakes his head
k-kidโs not doinโ too hotโฆhe took a bad hit to the ribsโฆSees the stranger and watches for a minute, before realizing something.
...WHERE IS [Joe]Scans the room. Everyone seems to be handling things.
...ILL BE BACKHe leaves.
he nods, stepping out of her way
J frowned with worry, trying to reach out to Saul.
J hissed quietly, sobbing as he felt some of his broken ribs click in place.
he watches in awe, his hands clenching at his sides, feeling so powerless to helpโฆ
After only about five minutes he gasped for air, taking the first deep breath after a long while.
J let go of her hand, breathing deeply.
I'm... I'm better... It still hurts, but... Thank you.he lets out a breath he didnโt know he was holding
S-see? I told ya youโd be alright, kid.Looks at J and cries tears of relief.
OH, J...Hears a scream outside.
...HUH?J sat up with a little painful hiss, smiling at them shakily.
S-saul, Grover...tears are in his eyes as he gently hugs J
His face, however, didn't change. Perhaps, scars are way too deep now. He gently squeezed Saul in his arms, holding him close.
Y-you have a great singing voice, Saul...he winces slightly as the claw marks on his thigh sting
he blushes
he blushes a bit darker
I-Itโs fine! He just nicked me! his jaw doesnโt look great either, itโs starting to bloom into a dark purple bruise
...He slips out of the bathroom
he second she touches him he turns completely red from the neck up, heโs practically steaming. He canโt take his eyes off her, either, as much as he triesโฆthe was her brow furrows with concentration, and how the golden waves of her hair frame her faceโฆdamn, how could he have ever thought that yellow guy was pretty at all?
J sighed quietly, smiling and leaning into Saul. He was exhausted and didn't want to get up.
he looks away, his lips curling into a smile despite himself
M-mmmaybe j-j-just a bit. Ehahhahhhahhaha! โโOH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA SHEโS SO. SH-SHEโS SOโ he canโt help but lean into her touch, just a little`heโs shaking like crazy, his eyes wide and his smile ear to ear, just about whistling like a tea kettle. His hands are clenching at his knees.
W-W-W-WOWEEE~he leans close to her, body going a little limp. He chuckles and gives her a huge dopey smile
I th-think Iโmโฆalmost betterโฆdid I uh, mention he cut me a little on the lip? Ehahaha~J laughed quietly.
Saul, maybe you could um... Help me to my room?he looks over at J, having almost completely forgotten he was there. He looks back at Midnight and blushes.
O-Oh, uh. Right. Kiddo here needs to go to bed!he carefully lifts J in his arms and walks with him to the threshold of the bathroom
he smiles warmly at her
Donโt worry Miss, Iโm sturdier than I look. I got โim. he winks at her, before taking him to the hallway
He is in the walls.
He steps in and stands in the middle of the room.
He didnt come here to do anything in particular.
He clears his throat awkwardly.
He didnt look at the void once during that speech. but he's doing his best.
He leaves.
hes here
he sighs and steps into a shower stall, still dressed. He turns the water on to scalding
he yelps, feeling as if he is not alone
WHOETH IS THERE! I DONT APPRECIATE PEEPINGETH TOMS!!!!he does his best to ignore the ominous feeling crawling up his back
he's in here now, after falling asleep for most of the day in the attic with greedton. he has to shit really bad.
tries to punt the flower across the room
kicks at the fucking flower again. he needs to shit so bad
he sighs and starts doing this
he finishes his, frankly, awesome dance, and notices the fucking flower is gone
he yells
*You are free now.
*Just fucking take your shit already
he runs into a stall and slams the door shut
Retreats back into the walls
He opens the stall and gets out of it
I am fucking with you, I was just dumping some stuff down the toilet. I gotta go back to my [greenhouse project]he locks the stall door
pretend this is seb not sera
Walks away faster
the bathroom door is jammed shut.
He tries clipping through it
you can't use that ability right now.
presses ctrl+z
he sounds like he's dying
He tries slamming himself against the door
he runs out of the bathroom stall and slams against the bathroom door
He tries kicking the door again
a figure emerges from the darkness........ slowly unveiled.... its....
a soft click can be heard from the door
it is unlocked
He knocks on the door from the other side
HELLO???? DO YOU NEED [Pepy Bismol]????howls and starts ripping and tearing
He opens the door, walking inside
SWEET [[Heaven]] WHAT IS HAPPENING IN HERE.Looks up full of false blood and glowing yellow eyes
turns his head 180 degrees and stares at playerton
he grins with his massive teeth
gets down on all fours and watches playerton like a cat watches a mouse
He's panicking, trying to run away, but the SOUL won't let him. Haha it wants to see what's going to happen.
He follows him, curiously, smiling very nicely and Nonthreatening
He gives out a glitched scream before trying to run for his life!!!
he looks like he's about to tackle playerton but stops short, looming over him. smiling
YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR [face/off] RIGHT NOW AHEAHAHAHAHAhe gets really close..... he opens his mouth............................................................. and laughs
he backs off, still cackling
He's cleaning himself up, picking up the ???? pile and dumping it on the void creature
he tilts his head
WHAT KNOWLEDGEHe's washing his hands now
his eyes snap back to playerton
he smiles so sweetly
its not sweet at all
he picks up playerton in his teeth like a cat carrying a kitten and walks him out of the hell bathroom
He is screaming and yelling
He enters the bathroom
Hmm, if I were a bandage, where would I beโฆhe looks at his hand and sees bandages already in it
Oh right! I forgot, we have a helpful guy in here. Ya just ask and things kindaโฆhappen.he hands the bandages to Midnight
Well, maybe not guy more likeโฆgiantโฆgoeyโฆeyeballโฆthinghe feels a tingle up his spine
S-sorry, did I offend ya buddy? Youโre the most handsomeโฆslime being, Iโve ever met!he starts trying to undo his bandagesโฆbut just ends up tangled in the processโฆ
heโs some how managed to get his arms tangled together
there are more bandages layered on top of him.
โฆwould you rather be pretty than handsome??he looks very flustered, every time she leans in close his heart skips a beat and he holds his breath
he turns red under her gaze, trying to fight the temptation to cover himself upโฆbut a silly little voice in his head asks โDo you like what you see?โ~
heโs totally not flexing at all. No this is what he looks like relaxed. Totally.
he shudders a little when she first touches him, he feels so embarrassed about it he canโt look her in the eye the whole time sheโs working
D-do ya think Iโll get a cool scar? It would be pretty rad if I did, huh? Ehahaโฆhe smiled at hearing the sound of her laugh, but felt oddly a little sad once she had finished her work
I d-donโt think I ever thanked you properly forโฆfor everything. I really appreciate it, you know, especially when youโve got such a busy life of your ownโฆby the way, did you really mean it when you said thatโฆI could visit you sometime? he glances at her then looks away, flushed
I-I mean if ya were just sayin so before to be nice, itโs aight! ButโฆI think Iโd he peters off
Iโd like to see you a lot moreโฆhe really was trying to keep his breathing even to make her job easier, but he couldnโt help how excited he was getting.
Yeah! That would be great! Youโd have a full house of the number one rated fellas in the whole multiverse! Ehaha. Donโt ya worry, if I get coffee I promise to drink it out of a mug and not a bowl, scouts honor! โฆthough now that I think about it I did get kicked out of the scouts for eating their entire inventory of peanut butter pattiesโฆI knew I should have washed my face when I came home that nightโฆBUT anyway, I mean, I promise to behave, for you. Ehahahahe moves around, testing it out, even miming shooting a slam dunk for good measure, *just* to be sure
Perfect! It fits like a glove! he smiles
I really look forward to seeing you perform, Starlight. I bet itโs really somthin!he gently takes both her hands in his
I'm sure we'll be aight. We all know what we're up against now and we know what kinda tricks they use. Ya know what? he smiles
I promise we'll all make it to your club one night, and the new and improved Saul G Spamton doesn't break his promises. he winks at her
he chuckles softly, taking her hand and spinning her as a little extra flourish
Then lets get ya back to your pumpkin carriage before the clock strikes twelve, eh? he leads her out into the hall
nods and runs out of the bathroom on all fours
I WILL BRING YOU BACK he steps in and looks at himself in the mirror. He stares at the lipstick mark for a little while, feeling his heartbeat go a little faster. He grins...
he blushes, for a moment it almost feels as if he was kissed again...he give it once more glance before washing off his face...part of him wishes he didn't have to wash it off
He heads back into the hallway, a spring in his step again. Maybe he outta try writing that song...
he's knocked over
HI SAULHe is currently in here with pure confusion, smiling like a good victorian boy
he spits out chad's arm, blood dripping down his chin
WHATlightning fast he locks the door
He is confused and then looks at everyone
ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HERE!and stands in front of it
He tries clipping through Cassius and the door
you can't use that ability right now...
He enters a stall. The door shuts.
He is full of positive emotion he has a good feeling about what's about to happen
smiling so sweetly
He stands up and looks around then his bleeding arm and goes to wash it while he's washing it he looks in the direction of the screaming
Going over to Anton his sense of smell is completely dead as he smiles brightly
ARE WE PRACTICING OUR BATTLE CRIES?his back is against the wall he was so happy just a moment ago what the hell happened goodbye innocence hello darkness my old friend. he is a changed man
* The low, mood lighting dimms even further.
* It is agitated.
He grabs his arm focusing on using his healing magic on chad's arm. The screaming and the sounds is killing him, he produces his green healing magic, except it looks like green flatulent mist
He is screaming as well
* Joe Biden is pierced by a tentacle and sucked into the void, killed instantly.
his eye goes dark and he lunges at joe,... but there isnt a joe here
he lands on austin powers instead, tearing out his throat
its a fucking frenzy
Heโs done.
He walks out of that stall haunted. He does not care about carnage and death. His ass is hurted.
He screams in battle cry he is confused, having a good time and this is totally normal's jiggling the doorknob
Screams but joyfully next to Saul
I SURE LOVE SCREAMING SAUL!He makes way so Sera can wash his hands, getting up
* It is satisfied.
* The mood lighting comes back
he doesnt move he's ripping and tearing into austin powers baby
He's covered with glitter now
growls, he wasnt done
Ok he's done screaming and smiles as he turns to the door
Grabs the door and rips it off its hinges then steps outside of the bathroom
he runs out of the door, carrying austin's headless body in his mouth
The door is forcefully unlocked
He chases after Cassius but mostly because he'll explode if he stays one more second there
Will he ever be the same again? No. But now he knows, he knows Austin Powers is no longer alive in this plane of existence. He can finally rest.
For now.
...he leaves
He is taking a shower actually
he clips into the shower
the same one.
he clips through the ceiling
He goes back to happily washing his hair, humming so cutely
Hes done! Redressed in nice pajamas.
Heโs drying his hair right now
he pulls out something made of blue plastic from the pocket of his blazer and unfolds itโฆitโs an inflatable shark.
he immediately gets to huffing and puffing to inflate it. It takes several minutes and one pep talk but heโs got it!
he's here and he slams into a stall as fast as he can
he quickly goes into another stall and does the fastest clothing change known to man and books it out of there. He will NOT be stuck in the bathroom with Cassius again
โฆhe leaves uwu
he clips up to the attic, finally done with his dark business
Time to leave the bathroom and cause Playerton-level chaos.
and they're here now!! He excitedly tugs Anton towards a mirror and points
LOOK LOOK LOOK!!!!He looks at the mirror, taking a good 10 seconds starting and squinting at it , excitedly squeaking
OH FUCK ! IT ACTUALLY WORKED???He leans closer to it, touching his face, pulling his cheeks and tapping his nose before turning to Cassius
really quick before he goes, he scan's anton's new face
He's here again and gasps out LOUD when he sees his reflection
He inspects himself more, playing with the mist from his mouth and pinching himself all over
GOD. SERA WILL BE SO CONFUSED WHEN WE WAKE UP TOGETHER LOOKING LIKE THIS.He realizes he was talking to himself like an idiot this whole time
That's... different now huh. Nice.
He wonders if he could just. He sticks his tongue out and licks the mirror. Yep. It's the old long viroton one.
the void is asleep right now, please try your call again later
no... this is not the void. this is........
He starts instantly maiming Joe
He's covered in pg-13 pink pepto bismol from hit game dangan ronpa
Thumbs up in return, smiling widely
IM SORRY HE KEEPS DOING THISHe tilts his head as he leaves. THIS is really different.
Oh well. He gets up after chewing enough Joe, Dragging him back into the sink and walking back to the living room....Not before writing 11037 in the walls
With that, his final action as the Frozen everyone knew was finished. He smiled with a job well done and went to the kitchen.
went to use the bathroom and activates the bidet that plays megalovania
Screech stock audio can be heard
IM GOING [tutu] DESTROY YOUR [Fudge Biscuits]A banging can be heard from the attic
TOO EARLY FOR THIS SHIT [SHUT THA HELL UP]drops Nanaimo bars on both Spencer and frozen
While everyone else might be dealing with angels and heaven and stuff like that, Trashton is enjoying a nice relaxing bubble bath. After all he's been through, it's important to just sit back and unwind.
Oh he knows what will make this even better. He pulls out a relaxing candle set and lights them. Aesthetic.
He gets in a stall.
Washing hands.
The Void will never bother him, because they are friends
And he's outta here before the void decides they're no longer friends
He's gonna hang out in here for a bit, arms dangling over the toilet seat, sitting on the floor. Boy it's been a while since this last happened, huh. What's happening to you, Skunky boy? Getting too big for your own britches?
He leans his cheek on his forearm. This is gonna be a rough night.
heโs washing his face at the speed of lightโฆhe got some soap in his eyesโฆbut then quickly steps back out
Heโs in here
Benadryl please.He yells out the door
YOU DIE FIRSTHe opens a cabinet and pulls some out.
Say AhHe opens up his mouth, his big sharp teeth are so cute today
Austin Powers pops each of them in Sera's mouth.
Hes gone
Hes done.
hes taking a shower rn that shit was haunting
* There's a very gross sound emanating from the piping.
* It's back.
Is drinking a caprisun in the bath
Frozen is in here lol.
He's done and laughs. he's in new clothes
Don't [fall into the toilet] and [die]He looks around carefully before coming into the bathroom with his suit, holding it very carefully so as not to get slime or spiderwebs on it.
Uh, hiya Voidy! Ya here, pal?He smiles, stepping inside properly, then hangs his suit carefully
S-so, umโฆI have somethin special planned tonightโฆcould ya do me a favor and make sure nothin happens to my suit while Iโm gettin ready? Because, wellโฆ he pales a bit, flashbacks of blood and flesh and Austin Powers
things seem ta happen in here.* A viscous tentacle emerges from the grates on the floor and makes its way towards the suit.
* A couple more join it...
* The suit is completely swallowed
* Everything returns to the pipes.
he leans over the sink, unsure what to talk to
Thanks pal! Iโll try ta convince Esau to help me bake ya a cake or somethin for ya sometimeโฆflesh and blood isโฆgreat and allโฆbut I think ya might wanna try other options.he then proceeds to undress and shower, scrubbing himself far more thoroughly than usual
Once heโs totally clean he returns to the sink, a towel wrapped around his waistโฆhe eyes the razor with a small look of dread.
he picks it up with a shaking handโฆ
Iโm sorry fellas.he shaves off his crazy mutton chops 😔
He then proceeds to shave the rest of his face, tears in his eyes. โThe things ya do for loveโฆโ
With that ordeal over he then puts on some aftershave which immediately makes him make a very macho, very manly noise at the burning sensation.
Finally he carefully does his hair, getting it to that perfectly cheesy curly coif, then as a finishing touch he puts on maybe a little too much cologne.
He looks at his reflection, satisfied, then peers into the sink
Uh, I think Iโm ready, pal! Ya think ya could bring me back my suit?
* The bathtub at the end of the bathroom fills with a black, viscous liquid, bubbling and sizzling.
* And then, it goes down the drain, leaving behind a perfectly intact suit. It's dry and spotless, but if it had any colors to it, they're a bit muted now, almost greyscale.
He holds it up and grinsโฆhe doesnโt notice the color change
Thanks! he then gets dressed, carefully putting on the shirt and whatnot. He tries to do the tie a couple of timesโฆ
Say, are there any other things ya like besides flesh and blood? Like uhโฆDrain-o?he nods like he totally understands
Well, I dunno about most of that stuff, but I can totally dig ya some more holes! Iโm real good at diggin holes.the tie is now knotted around his fingers
he continues to struggle with his tie but gives up, Esau did say he could help him do something fancyโฆ
he steps outside of the bathroom
Peers in here
Anan?~ where are you?Tilts head and smiles
Hello! I have treats! Taking out some caramels and traffics for the void
Pspspspspspspspsps let's be friends~* There is a monstrous sound. Like the grinding of pipes, the screaming of creatures too big to exist, and the suffering lament of those who have been forgotten.
* I don't think it's friendly.
Staring a bit before smacking his fist into an open palm like he got an idea
You're shy!~ just like my patient Mr. Truffles! I have the right solution!~
He takes out a little plate puts the candies on it then starts to leave with a wave
Baibai~ Time to find Anan~* The plate is tossed violently towards Desmil while he had his back turned.
* The temper tantrum of someone who can't leave the pipes.
From the common area, in a safe distance
HEY VOID???? NOT. COOL.lord forgive what he must do.
Hes done.
he speedruns a shower
She knocks on the door. Politely.
She follows, smiling.
Ok actual shower time
Dressed in his pajamas were outta here
He looks around nervously before sticking his tongue out.
* Kills you
* Just kidding teehee
* It consumes Austin Powers
He locks the washroom.
he bursts into the room and shakily holds the phone to his ear
H-hello?Only a loud dial tone responds...immediately the lights flicker off...suddenly there is a web of glowing green threads surrounding his body...
It moves it's head around in a loose arc like a marionette. White eyes absorbing its surroundings.
It enters the bathroom, Its limbs bending in unnatural ways as it reaches for the phone
The moment he touches it again he's back. As far as he's aware nothing has happened...get there's a strange tingling sensation in his mouth. He looks down at his phone, cradling it like a precious treasure in his hands, before putting it back in his pocket. He leaves the bathroom
Big ass bathroom.
he does his lil get ready routine
considers pulling his hair back..... nah.
Ok done.
Outta here.
Hes back in here
He takes off one of his necklaces, and takes it apart.
Itโs in here. You first champ.He finds a surface to get things ready
Sniff sniff hack
OH THAT'S GOOD STUFFHe follows suit, putting the necklace back together and on.
Know what? Whatโs your name man. Donโt even know it.He makes a theatrical bow and produces a business card from his sleeve with a sleigh of hand. He presents it to Sera
GOT A WHOLE DAY OFF FOR MYSELFHe prances so cutely after him
Enters an empty stall and locks it.
He crosses to the sinks and looks in the mirror.
Yup. That's me.
He twists his head, side to side.
Look, I'm happy to be tall again, but I'd rather have things go back to normal.He sighs, and washes his hands.
Whelp. Let's see what shit's going on downstairs.Leaves
They approach the mirror and dab their face with a wet towel.
They leave. Where to? Who knows I have to take a nap lol.
He takes out a little old smartphone
He's done. Washing his hands. He takes a piece of jerky from his inventory and chucks into the void
he waves at the void
No Frozen can't pee, fun fact for everyone.
he is approaching on all fours. slowly now.
Going in for the kill now.
he steps out of the way
he is smiling so cutely
he smiles at rosario
Gets sucked into the void.
He explodes into confetti
Washes hands cutely and leaves the bathroom
he starts filling up the tub with water as hot as he can stand it
he disrobes and sinks into the tub as deep as he can without drowning
he shrugs
don't do it.he smiles, it doesn't each his eyes.
he closes his eyes. Whatever happens will happen.
a Nokia brick falls from the ceiling and onto sebs head.
he startles awake, grabbing the phone before it can fall in the water
huh wuh?he dials a random number
he holds the phone away from his face a bit, wincing
bad [reception hall] still?he glowers a bit, sinking into the water
he directs his glower at the phone and sighs
I actually called for [infodump] if that is [allowed access]he snorts a bit at that
fair [game on], I can do thathis free hand reaches up, touching near his void eye
he nods... Worried
he thinks about this
he coughs, trying to relax, his hand gripping the side of the tub with force
his fingers tap underneath his void eye
he looks up at the void in the bathroom
* It hides in the grating.
* Maybe higher presences intimidate it a little bit.
he sighs into the water, making ripples
what would happen if [theoretically] I tried to [know how these things work, don't you?]* If he takes a moment to process it, he might feel a tingling sensation in his burnt hand. It's not enough to hurt.
he lifts his hand and shakes it out a bit
I mean.. it has only really done.... well it hasnt [hurt feelings] me....he quirks an eyebrow up, despite it being a phonecall
I'm surprised i'm not getting [warning label] against it from youhe laughs a bit at that
You know, you're not [wrong answer]and with that, he hands up the phone.
i will put your hadns up on my wall if you dont SHUT DA HELL UP!!!!
he looks back up towards the bathroom void
he decides to stay in the bath for just a bit longer..... the water has cooled to the point where it feels like a sensory deprivation tank.
he finally gets out of the bath, and gets dressed. thankfully he had some clothing in his inventory that didn't get permeated with spoiled milk smell.
he lights up a cigarette before he goes
feels weird wearing a shirt again, gotta admit.he throws his hand up in goodbye
see ya later void guyshes here now. He doesn't need to use the bathroom
he takes a pillow he swiped last night out of his inventory and climbs into the tub, putting it behind his head. He's looking up towards the void entity, and then down towards what is supposed to be his prosthetic arm. Instead it's Cassius' burnt arm.
he sighs before settling in a bit more, dropping his arm
wish I could [communication established] better with you. I need to learn everything I [cantrip] about you and the rest of the [[void]]he smiles a bit before closing his eye and quickly falling into a shallow sleep
he is awake this time
he is going to cause problems on purpose
he waves to his void friend and leaves the bathroom
he points to the tub
fill that with [void goop]?he points to his eye
Survived ya climbin' [outdoors] of here didn't I?he sighs and climbs into the tub
he laughs, putting his arms behind his head as he lounges in the empty tub
y'know I ain't got any [he thinks
wonder if I could pull any [gak] out of my he startles a bit
he pulls out his brick from his pocket and accepts the call
Hello?he raises his eyebrow, humming a bit
... and?he looks at the wall, fingers twitching on the side of the tub
I don't [wanna g-] see that happen to anyone [elsa]he shrugs
I figure anything is worth a [first shot-the winner]he doesnt answer for a bit.
he clicks the phone off and fills the tub with Normal Water. He stays in here for an hour or so.
he gets out a bit later and shakes his head, spraying water droplets everywhere and gets dressed
next time i will bring you [meal] or somethinghe waves at the entity and heads out
he jumps up onto a counter and curls up
he yawns reaaaal big
HEWWOhe comes stumbling out of the bathroom, having gotten some very light sleep
* A tentacle emerges from the grating.
* It makes a gentle wiggle. The movement almost looks like... Shrugging?
He forces the door open, a few flowers fall in but quickly shrivel up into nothingness as soon as they touch the floor. He looks around
Is there any quil here
He takes the flower-free moment to blow his nose and wash his eyes
He sighs. He hates this place but at least his allergies feel better here. He takes a moment to rest and recover.
He braces himself, then pulls out his kerchief, holding it against his mouth and nostrils, and then adventures himself out into flower hell.
Shower time
Hey void~? Would you be a darling and get my pajamas from upstairs?he is showering now
They get to work God bless.
he's in here now
he goes over to a sink and takes his glasses off, immediately turning on the tap and splashing water on his face.
as he wipes the water away he feels something..... that is definitely not water. Leaking from his hole.
Its at this moment he notices he feels a bit dizzy... something is off about his vision. It feels like... too much? He's seeing Too Much.
It's disorienting.
He grips the sink to steady himself and looks up at the mirror and freezes
he lifts a hand and touches his new "eye"... it feels like a compressed orb of void sludge more than an actual eye. It's leaking a bit.
he looks around, not used to having full vision.. its been.... years? at least a decade?
the vision in his left eye isn't normal, though. its like everything is greyscale and grainy
he wipes the void gunk from his face, and his eye seems to be finished leaking for now. He puts on his glasses and looks in the mirror- he looks normal with them on. good. Good!
he finishes washing up and heads out, wobbling a bit as he gets used to his new vision
Black Ice takes a moment to look in the mirror and fix himself. Old him be damned for all he cares, he needs Inver. There has to be a way to get them back.
He walks to the deep darkness abyss at the other end of the bathroom for a bath
He promptly ignores the man, and continues to fix his hair. He needs to delete all of this once it's done.
Black Ice walks out, but not before punching the wall a bit too hard. This is fine. And this isn't the proper place to think now, anyways.
Ok hes done! All dressed, hair dried and brushed, he put his hair oils/leave inโs in, and face is clean~ feels better.
He is so mad under that water
I am going to give that skunk rabies
Done shower. He does his entire routine AGAIN. Then.. his new outfit is on.
He begins to grab rolls of toilet paper. If these people need to shit that's too bad for them.
He has his toolbox with him.
He looks around. No one. Good. He takes one of the mirrors down and sets it on the ground. Reluctantly, since the floor doesn't look great, he sits in front of it.
He starts to pry open a section of his body, where the stomach is. It's hard. Probably not meant to be opened.
He manages to open it without breaking anything but god does it hurt. A familiar black substance pours out.
He doesn't process it, just watches it get on everything.
As the black oozee seeps on the caulk between tiles on the floor, it seems to be attracted to the grating where the familiar countless eyes, tentacles and assorted organs emerge from. Like it's always meant to be there, and is returning home.
He can't get all of it out though. Some of it clings to his insides. He grabs a hand towel.
He tries to get the gunk out, but god... He doesn't feel good, and the pain is starting to really kick in. His hand, still in there, knocks out an important wire.
Frozen has stopped.
a radio manifests and hits frozen on the head
Heโll get up
Frozen.exe has stopped baby.
he falls through the ceiling
he falls on top of Frozen
he gets up and shakes himself off
he wiggles his fingers towards the void
The body folds in on itself in an unnatural way, limbs sprawled.
he feels pretty nice here now and can see the void creature better
he goes to poke at Frozen
The hand is still jammed in his stomach, and some more of the void gunk leaks out, letting gravity do it's job.
The gunk meets its fate with a gross shlop noise.
he removes frozen's hand from his torso
he hops saying this will wake the fucker up
The body is still. No sound or hum of life at all.
he leans close and... kind of just bumps his nose against frozen's
There is no resistance and the bump moves his head slightly.
he takes out his void phone and dials a random number
he looks at Frozen's open torso while the phone is ringing
he shifts his arm into cassius' burnt void arm and sets Frozen down, hesitantly reaching into his torso and poking at the void gunk
he looks over at the void creature
he is also still poking around in Frozen's chest, discreetly taking some of the void gunk and putting it in his inventory
he puts frozen's body in front of the creature
The tentacles gently come out of the grating, and assault the open cavity.
When they go back to the pipes, Frozen's chest is clean of gunk. All that leaves are the pulled, unplugged and maybe damaged wires.
he goes to frozen's body and starts plugging wires back in where it looks like they belong
he feels like he somehow managed to get at least the most important wires in the right place
His eyes glitch back to normal.
he sits Frozen up, holding him by his shoulders. Looking him in the eyes.
How do you feel.... 10 seconds after fucking with that void gunk.
when the void [creature feature] isn't looking.
When its just you.
surrounded by ink.
And who cleans all that? is it [yule]?
Do you wipe the [sink hole], scrub it hard, I p resume?
and all that voidal mess on the floor [floor]
do you get on your hands and knees and [window wiper] endlessly? Bowed down, like you're before some [[god]]?
Oฬดฬฬ nฬถออeฬดฬ
ฬ ฬตฬอwฬธอฬhฬธอฬoฬธออ.ฬดอฬ.ฬตออ ฬตออcฬทอฬ ฬดฬฬeฬตฬฬฉrฬตฬฬtฬธฬอaฬธอฬบiฬธอ อnฬดอฬซlฬดฬฬ yฬดออ ฬตฬ
ฬdฬทออoฬถฬอeฬทอฬsฬทออnฬธฬฝฬtฬตออ ฬตอฬฟlฬตฬฝฬฑoฬทอฬoฬถฬฬkฬถอฬ ฬตอฬบkฬดฬอiฬธฬฬจnฬตฬฬdฬดฬฟฬนlฬตฬอyฬถฬฬ ฬดฬฬdฬตฬอoฬตฬฬwฬถอฬงnฬดอฬ ฬตออoฬดออnฬธฬอ ฬทฬฬ yฬถฬฟอoฬตฬu.
and when you try to get up, from that impossibly dark and slimy floor, does your body stay? as if trapped in hell?
I hope so.
he smiles
He looks back down at the wires. Time for round two I guess.
he sits back a bit, monitoring Frozen
He manages to move a bunch of the less important wires to their respective places, using the mirror as a guide. He can't get the plate closed.
he perks up, forgetting he didnt hang up
I think he's [alive and kicking] now! Thanks [void peepaw]he slams his chest plate closed for him
he opens his chest panel and way more ink than normal drips out onto the tile
he closes the plate again
he pokes his finger at his tit triangle
His finger goes in lol
he pokes his finger into his left eye, it goes right in even though its occupied
he sticks his whole hand in his tit triangle
he pulls it out
YOU HAVE [expanded] INVENTORY NOWhe pulls out his reserved frozen voidal gunk from his inventory, its in a jar now
DONT MAKE ME [poison control] YOU AGAINhe stores the jar in his inventory again
He taps his hand, where the ink is. It's solid. He does it again, eventually it begins to ripple. He plunges his other hand in there.
He fishes around, but gives up and just jams his hand into his chest. This is stupid.
He pulls out something he has wanted to see, or rather, meet.
He shoves the head back in.
He jams his hand back in and pulls the guy out.
he rips the foulest ass he can on command
KROMER SENDS HER REGARDSHe then shoves him back in.
he points to the void creature
FRIENDThere is no toilet paper left here, it was all burned yesterday.
he enters a stall. you hear the main door lock
its locked shut
he is screaming
your plan backfired frozen.
black void gunk leaks out from under the stall
the door is locked
It is still locked huh
austin........................... wake up
powers............................................................. wake up austin powers.................................................................
he finishes up
WHERE IS [toiler] PAPERthe door was never locked
He leaves.
he decides to just take a long fucking bath to get clean fuck this
he is squeaky fucking clean and leaves the bathroom
he runs over to a stall
he emerges a changed man
he uses mouthwash and brushes his teeth then heads back out
He gets to work.
WHAT'S WITH THE GOOP HERE ANYWAYS???He helps stretch the seran wrap
Man there's a lot of fucking toilece in here.
He puts a hand on his wrist and bends it up and down for a moment.
QUITE A STRAIN ON THE [Hinges]He looks down for a moment and then hesitantly starts a shy little victory dance, looking back at Frozen for approval. Is this something enough
He is vibrating, trying to hold in laughter.
Tears are forming.
OK.He vibrates even harder.
NO I:M>He takes a deep breath in.
He is taking a few thirst traps for his LinkedIn.
There is a sound from one of the stalls
he walks out of the stall and looks. Very confused.
he jumps just a little, not expecting to hear a voice, and turns towards frozen.
He looks around, as if this were some prank.
WELCOME TO THE SPAMHAUShe looks Frozen up and down, hand on his hip. He then looks at the restroom around him, face wrinkling
This place looks like shit.He stumbles in, falling face first on the floor. Good thing he has no nose
he makes his way over to Noah and helps him up
He gets up, looking bewildered, eyes shaped like question marks and he stares at frozen, even while he's getting up with Sylvester's help
he smirks and looks over at Frozen
I think he's older than us, Noah.He gestures
It's a rude man baby!he gives Noah a sidelong glance and tilts his head imperceptivity in a "haha watch this" sort of way
he bows a little bit, with a little flourish
My name is Sylvester, what is yours?He gives a so sweet and soft smile in gratitude
Yeah yeah! Truly sorry for that sir. I did not intend to be this aggressiveHe is unbuttoning his shirt. Sorry if this looks gay to the audience.
his mouth quirks upwards trying not to laugh as he manifests a red triangular object
My partner and I specialize in selling gachapon boxes, for a nominal fee you could get anything from a gift card to a restaurant of your choosing to a new smartphone, or motorcycle! I would like you to have one on the house.Gets flushed down the toilet
he holds the Triangular object out for Frozen to take, its about the size of a grapefruit
He reluctantly grabs it.
he nods, finger on his chin
That doesn't match up with any coordinates I know of.he follows after Boris, giving a quick wave to Noah
Noah, come find me when you're done playing around with the bathroom monster.He turns to the void
He takes his glove out. His hand seems fuzzy and glitchy with static
Without hesitation he sticks his hand in the creature. He does not care.
* The hand is engulfed in a viscous substance. Bar the point of entrance, inside doesn't feel much like anything, besides giving him a faint tingling sensation, like his arm was recovering from falling asleep.
* The creature gurgles.
his guts settle down and his arm moves on its own again, pulling the gachapipis out of his inventory. The keyhole is glowing bright red and raised, like it needs to be pushed.
the pipis gently explodes into glittering pixels and splits into two different forms. A glowing, translucent chain that wraps around Esau's affected arm, and a little tiny sylvester.
obly Esau can hear the mini sylv
he flies up and rests on Esau's nose
it cackles
He can't hear me, esau~Extremely concerned
he flutters down and kicks at his useless arm
he flies back up right in front of Esau's face.
You ever hear about ransomware?he cackles and flies up to Esau's hair, making himself comfortable
he generates a pop up with a button that leads to a secure money transfer service and places it in front of esau
he makes a little chiming noise and bows very cutely
Pleasure doing business with you!!he vanishes in glittering red pixels as does the chain. However it does leave a red chain shaped stain around his wrist.
esaus arm wakes up, with pins and needles
the mark does not budge.
He rushes over
grover suddenly loses control of his right arm
his inventory is buzzing.
He takes the pipis and throws it across the room
the pipis cracks open and the same thing happens to Grover, but the chain wraps around his right arm
he waves at Esau, who can see and hear him
He laughs.
[$%^&] OFF.
EXCEPT I DON T CARE.He smiles so sweetly
He sighs and pulls up a window.
He pulls up a bank account. It's absurdly loaded.
he produces the pop up for grover, smiling sweetly
Transfers it over.
he disappears along with the chain. It also leaves a chain shaped stain on his right wrist
He huffs.
THAT [$%^&]ING SUCKED.He is shaking.
He tears up a bit.
He drinks it all in. It is so comforting.
...SO ANYWAYS- YEAH, I... THAT S WHY I WEAR THESE GLASSES... CAN T. DON T WANNA BE RECOGnIZED.He laughs, tiredly, but he is doing a little better.
COME ON, LET S CHECK ON SAGE.He enters to one of the nearest stalls. Bad sounds come out of it
He gets out of the stall, and washes his hands. He starts hobbling upstairs
he arrives here with Joe, keeping close to the exit.
So, Joe. What is it you would like to show me.He turns around, smiling at him, before giving control of his voicebox over to Saffron.
he tilts his head at the change of voice, before nodding, assuming he can be seen still
Hello. I assume you are the source point of the Virus?
My name is Sylvester. Its a pleasure to speak with you.he idly touches his fingers to his neck, grimacing
he taps his chin in thought
Seems simple enough. I will do what I can to assist.he manifests a pop up, with dark dollar transfer information on it. He faces it towards Joe
I assume you can see the information here?he receives a notification of the deposit and hums, smiling
Please forward out business agreement to your associate Jay, I would prefer to not have to explain details myself.he bows slightly and then looks at Joe
That was interesting, thank you Joe. Good luck on your scheming but some advice; learn to shut up sometimes. It will do a world of good for you and your cause.he leaves, without waiting for an answer
He hums quietly as he leaves the bathroom as well.
Heโs laying on the ground, bitcrushed screams coming from him. He truly suffered from that.
He is trembling, but he can keep his cool about The Void if they aren't worried about it.
He staggers backwards.
Pardon mine french!! But ca c'était quoi?!He looks over his shoulder.
OH, YEAH, THE VOID. HI BUD!He is very unsettled. He backs out of the room.
His face breaks a bit, at that.
He starts to head out of the bathroom.
He pauses.
He leaves.
He looks at the mirror.
Yep. Still got DNA based flesh. Ugh He splashes water on his face
He does a little twirl and the cape billows out.
Ehaheha~He leaves.
He opens the shower door, steps in, and hangs his clothes on the door.
He showers and changes.
He looks at the ring.
He wants to put it on.
So he does.
It's briefly exhilirating; he can feel the power and potential- And then it is briefly haunting; desperate sentiments whispered in his mind-
And then it feels normal. He had gotten used to all that, already.
Huh.He dries his hair and leaves.
The two of them go blank and silent for a long while.
he looks at the void. You seeing this shit?
he shrugs
he does an awkward bow, unsure of how to go from here
So can you [jogging excersize] my memory, who are you two?They pull out a stack of business cards and shuffle.
They hold the deck out.
he picks a card, curious
he takes the card anyhow, even if he's confused
Oof. I've been through the [ringer t-shirt] the past 20 years. I've died a few times tooHe walks into a stall and does his business. The bathroom is well illuminated, warm, welcoming. Something must've parted ways in the meantime.